In an increasingly technological world data security has become an important Issue
Fraud and Identity Theft
People are increasingly storing and utilizing digital mediums to access and store secure information. Private information can be accessed via documents and hard drives and in some cases can be used for blackmail. Banking details such as credit cards numbers can be accessed and used to make online purchases through amazon and ebay.
Physical Destruction
It has been made increasingly clear that the right information in the wrong hands can be very dangerous. In many countries agencies have stressed the importance of shredding bills and order information before putting them into the trash. Piranha physically shreds mediums such as hard drives, phones, digital tapes and documents to ensure all information is secure, by using our specialized equipment Piranha guarantees your information is 100% destroyed. You can also rest assured your e-waste scrap from the shredding process ends up nowhere else than in raw materials for new products with our 0% residual to landfill initiative.